Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Senses of the Sea"

Again I have forgotten, as my

toes grip the shore. “Your race was

not meant to remember,” my mother whispers

as yet another of her white stallions crashes and then

retreats from the thousands of shards of rock. ‘You,’ I

sigh, ‘commanded me to remember.”

Above me, a seagull caws, and I

know that I will never live to see an

albatross. Those who do see themselves as lucky, until

its blood lies spilled with that of Sedna’s

multitudinous brood. Once my hand was

wrapped, not around yours, but around

the ebony handle with a moon kissed


I smell the salt, and the water, and think if Lot

had cried for his wife, would she have returned? Would

the Lord have extended mercy were she mourned? Gomorrah

is now forgotten, for it wished not to know. Knowledge, the

most ancient of sins, incarnated hung low

and a serpent hissed promises of a new birth

with the consumption there of.

“Does my taste still fill your mouth?” You demanded as I

took my well worn book off your shelf. I never answered, and

my footfalls were silent as I walked away. It was ever my

nature to do so. I am the ocean’s child, and love

for me is the flick of a whale’s tail. Glorious for a moment

and then back into the obsidian waters where it will

battle a Kraken in mortal combat. I could never forget

your taste, peaches, honey, and wine of a year that the

ocean drank much of as the Titanic drowned.

I still hear you moan at night, but it is Zephyr. My bed

has been an iceberg for over five months now. Soon

someone will see me dancing, and a small glass filled

with crimson will be placed into my hand. A conversation

of nothings will follow, a buzzing of bees for its content. Then

I will smile. Soon enough, we will be lovers, and my name, a prayer, will

fall from their lips as it once did from yours.

I have forgotten, what I am not quite sure. Perhaps it was your true

name. The one whispered only once by me as you slept.

My heart.

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