Sunday, January 17, 2010


I have tried, and failed in keeping this blog regularly updated. The truth of the matter is that I can come up with any number of excuses why I have not posted until today. Any one of them might be a valid excuse, but it would not absolve me, not completely anyway. Considering that I type around thirty-words per a minute (give or take), it should take just about twenty minutes to create a post around 600 words in length. Most of the time, my posts are significantly less than that.

I am not making any excuses for a lack of updates. I could well say that considering that my life by many standards is ordinary, I don't have the material necessary for a blog. However, I know of many with lives more 'ordinary' than mine who are able to update their own blogs (be it on this website or others) with a great degree of regularity. So, as always, it comes down to a matter of motivation, of putting fingers to keyboard. As always, I am not satisfied with the content of this post. I could say what has happened recently, but the truth is I am still digesting what a radical change has occurred in the past 24 to 48 hours (more details when my brain isn't so scrambled).

So, I promise to be more regular, if I can. At least one post a week. One post of this length takes no time at all. So, until next week,

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